Friday, 28 March 2014

Weekly Update

Hi everyone,

We had a few important events this week.

Lauren Gill was Principal of the Day on Thursday. She was very professional and was involved in meetings and important discussions. She also had lunch with him at Jawny Bakers. Way to go Lauren!

In March, the students had written persuasive letters to Mr. P., requesting him for changes/improvements around the school. I've sent home the letter that your child wrote and Mr. P.'s response to the class. He is very impressed by the letters and is considering a few suggestions that the students made. (I've also added a picture of his letter at the bottom.)

Congratulations to Madison, Hana and Narissa for receiving Honesty Award. We'll be focusing on Cooperation during the month of April.

Our trip is on Tuesday, April 1st. We will be departing at 11:30 A.M. If you are volunteering, please be at the school by 11:15 A.M. We should be back before 3:00 P.M.

In Math, we are currently working on 2- and 3-digit Addition and Subtraction as mentioned in my previous post. The grade 3 students have also been working on estimation. Here are some links:

Grade 2

Grade 3

Enjoy the weekend!

Monday, 24 March 2014

Hi everyone,

I hope you all had a great weekend and a relaxing March break. I apologize for not connecting before the weekend. On Thursday, my daughter came home extremely sick  and then I got sick too. 

I need volunteers for our trip to watch the Toronto Symphony Orchestra. Parent volunteers have to pay $7.50.

Our next Character Ed. Assembly is on Friday, March 28 at 2:20 pm. Students will be receiving awards for Honesty.

This month we'll be focusing on Poetry writing and comprehension. We've looked at some EQAO comprehension questions and discussed how we could extend our responses by making connections to the text and adding more details.

Our first Model School Inner Cities (MSIC) unit on Conflict Resolution and Change was a huge success so now we'll be working on another MSIC unit based on the concept of stewardship.

In math, we'll be working on addition and subtraction with regrouping. Grade 3's will focus on 3 digit where as the Grade 2's will work on 2 digit. 
Please practise addition and subtraction questions with your children at home to reinforce the concept of regrouping. 

In S.Studies, the grade 2s are learning about diverse families and communities around us. We're also comparing and contrasting various celebrations and traditions that people have around the globe. The grade 3 students have been learning about Urban, Suburban and Rural communities. We are looking at the similarities and differences and thinking of which one we'd like to live  in and why.

Here are some math links on Area:

Grade 2 & 3:
Area 1
Area 2

Grade 3 only:
Counting Square Units
Moving on a grid

Mrs. Aziz

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Dance-a-thon : 70's

This was my first Dance-a-thon and I truly enjoyed it. The students had a blast dressing up and showing off their moves! Thank you to Home & School for all the efforts.

Dear Parents,

I apologize for connecting with you last Friday as I was sick. There has been a lot of learning taking place in our classroom. We have just completed a unit on working towards the "common good" by exploring various character traits.We read two texts, Bird Child and Thank you, Mr. Falker to deepen our meaning of Conflict, Conflict Resolution and Change. Here are some pictures of our work.

As our culminating activity, the students represented their understanding in form of posters, drama, song and rap. Please ask your children about their learning.

In math we've working on 2D geometry. The students have learned and compared various 2D shapes. We've also been working on line of symmetry. After March Break, we will focus on finiding area, 2-and 3-digit addition and subtraction, multiplication and division.

Here are some links on 2D Geometry.

Grade 2
Identify 2D Shapes
Compare sides and Vertices
More Symmetry

Grade 3
Congruent Shapes
Line of Symmetry
Communicating about Symmetry
Sorting 2D Shapes

Have a wonderful March Break. I hope you all have a chance to relax and spend lots of time with friends and family. I'll see you all after the break
