Thank you so much for all the help, support and care during the year. I couldn’t have done with you! Thank you for volunteering, sending treats or just offering a smile.
really enjoyed working with each and every child in the classroom. All children
are unique and amazing in their own ways. This LTO has been extremely rewarding
and I hope to come back in the upcoming years and watch the children
grow as they move through the grades at Presteign Heights ES.
Summer Activites
I’m sure most of you are looking forward to summer
holidays and have already planned trips and other activities. Please don’t
forget to do some math and language related activities during the summer as
Here are some ideas:
¶ Read
with/to your child everyday.
¶ Visit
the library as often as you can to choose new and exciting books.
¶ Do
various kinds of writing activities, e.g., writing about the favourite part of
the trip, making grocery lists, making comic strip, keeping a summer journal
¶ Play
games that include making words, counting, telling time and addtion and
I hope these ideas are helpful. Have a great Summer.
Almas Aziz
Almas Aziz