Friday, 27 June 2014

Thank you

Dear Parents,

Thank you so much for all the help, support and care during the year. I couldn’t have done with you! Thank you for volunteering, sending treats or just offering a smile.

I really enjoyed working with each and every child in the classroom. All children are unique and amazing in their own ways. This LTO has been extremely rewarding and I hope to come back in the upcoming years and watch the children grow as they move through the grades at Presteign Heights ES.

Summer Activites

I’m sure most of you are looking forward to summer holidays and have already planned trips and other activities. Please don’t forget to do some math and language related activities during the summer as well.

Here are some ideas:
Read with/to your child everyday.
Visit the library as often as you can to choose new and exciting books.
Do various kinds of writing activities, e.g., writing about the favourite part of the trip, making grocery lists, making comic strip, keeping a summer journal etc.
Play games that include making words, counting, telling time and addtion and subraction.
I hope these ideas are helpful. Have a great Summer.


Almas Aziz

Friday, 30 May 2014

Weekly Update

Hi everyone,

I can't believe that we're almost in June! As mentioned in my previous post, Grade 3 students will be writing the EQAO test from June 2 - June 5 (next week) in the morning. Please make sure that your child arrives to school on time so that we can all start the test at the same time. June 6 is our last PA Day.

Spring Concert was a huge success! Everyone sang beautifully! Kudos to Maria, Sotiria, Mattea, Reilly and Anna from Room 3 for their hard work.

We completed our restaurant project with detailed menus and layouts. The students had a chance to present their restaurant ideas with their peers. It was an exciting project that involved creativity and imagination.

I will not be posting any more math questions as we'll be working on questions from various strands. Here are some websites with math and language games for the upcoming weeks and summer: - Math - Reading

Have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, 23 May 2014

Weekly Update

We have an extremely busy week coming up. Bike Rally on Tuesday, Spring Concert on Thursday and Pizza Lunch on Friday. I hope to see you all around for one or more events.

Our next Character Ed Assembly will be in June for Integrity and Perseverance.

We continued to work on past EQAO questions this week. Many students feel much more confident with the format of the test. We also worked on the Fractions this week. Here are some questions:

Fractions as part of the group

Fractions as part of a whole

Halves Thirds and Fourths

Kindness Week Display:

Have  a great weekend!

Friday, 16 May 2014

EQAO related information

Dear Parents,

This week we focused on answering Math and Language EQAO questions. We talked about adding details, checking our answers and explainations and underlining the important parts of the question. The grade 2 students have been working on problem-solving questions from various strands in mathematics as well reading comprehension questions. Grade 3 students will be writing the EQAO tests from June 2nd to June 5th in the morning.

We're also working on a Restaurant Projects. We're making our own menus as well as blueprints of the restaurant.

During the next two weeks, we'll be working on many EQAO questions and trying to show higher level thinking. We'll also look into Fractions.

Grade 3 students can practise EQAO questions at home as well. EQAO Booklets
Grade 2 students can practise math questions from various strands on the IXL website. Grade 2

Marble Jar Party: Students have been receiving marbles for showing respect and cooperation as well as listening attentively. We filled up our entire jar and as promised we'll have a party next week. I'll bring the treats. A few students wanted to contribute as well so we'll talk about it in the classroom next week.

I hope you all have a wonderful long weekend!

Friday, 9 May 2014

Kindness Week and Georgia O'Keeffe inspired Art

This week we worked with Mr. Wall on exploring the meaning of kindness and self-regulation. We watched videos and read stories on Kindness. We also explored what random acts of kindness (RAKS) looks like gave each other kindness cards. Many children shared that true kindness means that you're nice and helpful withour expecting any reward in return. I'll be displaying our learnings on the bulletin board and will post a picture soon.

During the week, we were also invited to a Puppet Show on Epilepsy and Dealing with Bullies. It was a great experience and children asked many insightful questions to gain more knowlege. We also learned the term WITS (Walk away, Ignore, Talk it out/Tell an adult, Stop and Stand up). It's reminds us what to do when we are dealing with bullies.

This week we also looked at some paintings by Georgia O'Keeffe. We looked closely at the beautiful flowers that she painted. We practised drawing different kinds flowers on canvases for Home and School Project. The students were enjoyed painting so much that I brought in new canvases to paint a special present for our wonderful moms.

In math, we learned about mass, capacity, and transformations. Next week, we'll work on probability.

Grade 2
Compare Size, Mass and Capacity
Choosing a Measuring Tool

Grade 3

Transformations (Reflection, Rotation and Translation)

Happy Mother's Day to all the lovely mothers, grandmothers and aunts who have a positive impact on our lives and make a difference in our communities. Hope you like the paintings that we worked so hard on.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Georgia O'Keeffe inspired Art

Saturday, 3 May 2014

Classroom Learnings

We've almost completed our second Model School Unit using the text, Mama Miti. We talked about how one lady's effort changed an entire country. We used our inferring skills to answer many questions and made connection to our actions to protect the Earth. Here are some pictures of our work.


In Math, we've been learning about and constructing 3D figures. We've also written riddles for each other. 

Math Questions on 3D Figures:

In S.Studies, the grade 3 students are learning about various jobs in the Rural areas, such as farming, forestry, fishing and mining. The grades are working on various holidays and celebrations that we celebrate in our families and communities.
In the upcoming week, we'll be working on a Kindness Project with Philip Wall (TDSB Psychologist) and in math we'll be learning about capacity and mass.

Friday, 25 April 2014

Weekly Update

Hi everyone,

I hope you enjoy the pictures I've added from our trip to the Aquarium and Earth Day Clean Up. Both events were a huge success. A big thank you to the parents for their support and assistance.

Congratulations to Toni, Lauren and Anna for receiving Co-operation Awards. We'll be working on Integrity during the month of May.

Here are some math questions on Division.We'll be working on 3D figures next week.


As promised, here is our window display on Pointillism - Dot Art. The students worked really hard to create these beautiful work of Art.